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What effect does temperature and season have on bass fishing?

The bass is a very strange fish. Sometimes we go fishing for bass. We don't see them all day. But after a while we go to the same fishing spot, we can always harvest the bass. Of course, it wasn't for a while that the bass swam from other places to the waters. It was just there but you didn't catch it. The bass is changeable,  it will be very active one day, or it may be silent after a while.The more likely cause is water temperature or seasonal changes, which play an important role in the process of fishing for bass.

Bass will adapt to changes in the environment. At some time in the year they are more likely to be caught because they are easier to find and more willing to eat. This is why it is a good time to fish in spring, early summer and autumn.
Bass is a cold-blooded animal, they are more active in warm water because their metabolism is faster. Their bodies consume a lot of energy, so they need to eat more food. But that doesn't mean they are not active in cold water. They eat less when they are cold, which is similar to humans.

The temperature of the water changes with the seasons. Although temperature and seasonal changes play different roles for the bass, they are related. We all know that lakes and rivers are colder in winter and hotter in summer, with moderate temperatures between spring and autumn. But do you know that bass will move when the seasons and temperature change? This is why we sometimes find them in shallow water, sometimes in deeper water.

Confused? It's OK. Even a fisherman who participated in the Bass Master Classic 14 times can't fully understand how the natural changes in the weather and season affect the fish. No one knows all the answers. Bass move between deep and shallow water in the same relatively small area during seasonal changes, but they do not migrate from one end of the lake to the other. ”

As winter leaves, and the arrival of spring. The day is getting longer and longer, the warm weather makes the water warmer, and the bass starts to lay eggs, so they will enter shallow water. Because bass needs sunshine and warmth to hatch. Bass eat more in warm water, which makes fishing for bass easier. They usually live in water layers less than 2.4 meters deep before the water temperature rises above 25 degrees in summer. As the temperature gets hotter, they begin to move toward deeper, colder waters.

Food is what really dominates the life of bass. In spring and autumn, food is usually close to the shore, surrounded by plants, rocks and piers. Small fish, crayfish, frogs and other creatures are the most abundant and active bait in shallow waters, so this is where bass likes.

The main reason why bass goes deeper in summer and winter is that the environment is more stable. Allen Forshage, director of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, said: “The temperature and oxygen levels are less fluctuating, and salmon does not like large fluctuations.” “Shad also goes to deeper waters, which are important food source for bass." If a lake has shad, the bass will follow them in summer and winter. In those seasons, even Bluegil will move to deeper waters.
How deep are they? It depends on the lake. As long as the shallow waters meet some of the basic needs of the bass, they are willing to stay in shallow water.Otherwise they can go down to 7.5 meters or even deeper. But Forshage said there was almost no oxygen in the majority of Lakes in 4.5 meters deep in Texas in the summer .

“Oxygen is a limiting factor. Bass and all fish need it to survive, so in many cases they will not run deeper than 4.5 meters. “Of course it depends on the lake and the area where it is located. ”
He added that those bass that are very shallow in the summer will look for relatively darker, cooler water when they are hot. Cook said that in clear lake water, bass usually retreats into the cool places of deep water in the summer, as long as there is food and oxygen. However, bass living in relatively turbid water usually stays close to the shore throughout the summer.

For most of  year, the temperature is really not that important. Bass can withstand high temperatures and low temperatures very well. Cook said that only when the temperature is above 25° or below 8° will he pay attention to the water temperature display on the ship. However, if the temperature is between 8 and 25 degrees, the temperature has little effect on the bass. They are usually in shallow water.

Remember that the air temperature has no effect on the bass.
As the water begins to cool in the fall, fish like shad will stay very shallow, so the bass will follow. In many cases, Shad will move deep into the tributaries and river bays, so the bass will be in the same place.

As the day shortens and the temperature drops, the water begins to get cold. Once the temperature reaches 8 degrees, the bass begins to move deeper into the water, where they will spend most of the winter. Although bass eats less in the winter, they still occasionally eat something. This is why it is difficult to catch bass in the winter.

"You have to remember that in the winter, the bass doesn't need to eat too much at all, so don't expect to catch a lot of fish." If you can catch three or two in a day, you're doing well. Of course, if you can catch fish every time you go out, you must be lucky. After all, understanding the relationship between bass and water temperature and seasonal changes requires more than just luck. This requires a lot of practice. The higher your frequency of fishing, the more you can find bass, no matter what time of year.

Bass fishing is the activity of angling for the North American gamefish known colloquially as the black bass. There are numerous black bass species considered as gamefish in North America, including largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass or Kentucky bass, and Guadalupe bass.But Bass fishing have a big challenge for fishing fans, so in fact, you can use some tools to help you in fishing.Such as Tungsten Flipping Weight,Tungsten Worm Weight,tungsten Skirt Punch Weight,tungsten ball,Tungsten Barrel Weight,tungsten pagoda nail sinker and so on.

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